
The Sorbs have a democratically legitimised parliament - the Serbski sejm.

On this page you can register as a voter for the next Serbski sejm elections.

Registration for voters

You can also print the blank from below and send your registration by mail.

Candidates for the election of the 2nd Serbski sejm


27/02/2025: End of voter registration for postal voting
06/03/2025: Latest date for receipt of postal voting letters
08/03/2025: Counting of votes for the election of the second Serbski Sejm from 10 a.m. in the ‘Bjesada’ parish centre, Hauptstraße 27, Nebelschütz

Here you can find all information about the election:

Support the election for the 2nd Serbski Sejm with your donation!

The funding of postal vote documents, posters, leaflets and banners, postal charges, website maintenance and many more are solely funded by donations. You can donate online via https://www.betterplace.org/de/projects/136191-freie-wahl-des-2-serbski-sejm-sorbische-wendische-volksvertretung or via bank transfer:

Account holder: Smy e. V.
IBAN: DE48 8555 0000 1002 0309 90
Kreissparkasse Bautzen
reason for transfer: Wahl 2024 + name/address for contribution receipt

Thank you very much!